DATE -29-11-2024 HOUSE ASSEMBLY Class 8 conducted a heart-warming Diwali-themed assembly, attended by Principal Ms. Anupama Sinha, who appreciated the students’ spirited presentation. The event, led by Modesty House, included a thoughtful speech on the festival’s significance, a touching poem, and dynamic dance performances that brought the spirit of Diwali to life. Adding to the excitement, students participated in an inter-house Antakshari activity based on Ram Charit Manas Chaupais, blending music and spirituality beautifully. Modesty House emerged as the winner, proudly representing the values of unity and respect. To capture the essence of the occasion, students recited this beautiful couplet: " दिया जलाओ ऐसे कि अंधेरा दूर हो जाए , हर दिल में खुशियों का उजाला भर जाए। " This meaningful celebration illuminated the significance of Diwali, emphasizing unity, h...
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